Sports Rooms
A room for dance and aerobics, exercise equipment and maybe even a wall ball court? CBA Sports can lead you in the right direction for a surface that can suit one or all of your needs. We understand the need for getting as much versatility from your dedicated spaces as you possibly can. Why settle for a hard and unforgiving surface that limits your options? Call or come by our 5,000 square foot showroom to find the system that is right for you.
A room for dance and aerobics, exercise equipment and maybe even a wall ball court? CBA Sports can lead you in the right direction for a surface that can suit one or all of your needs. We understand the need for getting as much versatility from your dedicated spaces as you possibly can. Why settle for a hard and unforgiving surface that limits your options? Call or come by our 5,000-square-foot showroom near Atlanta to find the system that is right for you.